Tuesday, January 20, 2009

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Increasing the Value of Your Jet Ski for Sale

By Low Jeremy

After you have bought your Jet Ski, you probably would think why would you sell them after some time. Well, the fact is, no matter how much you dearly love your jet ski, there will come a time that you will sell them from one reason or another. And when that time comes, you should get your PWC ready so that you will get paid with a price you want.

Whether you plan to sell your jet ski online or offline, one thing is for sure; your jet ski must be in perfect condition inside and out to increase its market value.

Just like selling used cars, you should project a well-maintained jet ski. And keeping it well-maintained starts from the moment you purchase your jet ski. It doesn�t matter if you bought a used or a brand new jet ski. What matters is that once you start using your jet ski, you should remember to keep it in perfect condition. And when the time comes when you have to sell your jet ski, you will have lesser problem dealing with scratches, corrosions, and other value degrading matters.

After using it, make sure that you dry its entire body. Do not let any salt water to penetrate inside (although most jet skis are sealed and with components that are rustproof).

Proper storage is the most important thing you must know if you want to have a great looking jet ski. Since it will stay most of the time in your garage, your jet ski must be kept in a dry place. Keep it covered. Avoid exposing it to rain and sunlight. As much as possible clean it regularly even if it is covered and not in use.

If it happens to have minor scratches, you can buy rubbing compounds that can effectively remove these. Spending little on these would increase the value of your jet ski. In case of corrosion and dents, there are shops that can remove them without costing you so much. Again, a little spending would increase the �buyability� of your jet ski.

All these are sure guarantee that you can sell your jet ski at a higher price. And oh, you must remember that in order for you to get a better value out of your jet ski, you must keep the engine maintained. It must not only look good, it should also run excellently.

About the author

This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Jetski, please visit http://jetski.articlekeep.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Low_Jeremy

Hints About used seadoo

There is no engineering limit to the size of jet boats, though the validity of their use depends a lot on the type of application. Classic prop-drives are generally more efficient and economical at low speeds (up to about 20 knots) but as boat speed increases beyond this the extra hull resistance generated by struts, rudders, shafts etc means waterjets are more efficient in the 20-50 knot range. Also, in situations where you need very large propellers turning at slow speeds (such as tug boats) the equivalent size waterjet would be simply too big to be practical. For these reasons the vast majority of waterjet units are installed in high speed vessels and in particular situations where shallow draught, manoeuvrability and load flexibility are main concerns.
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Some Boating, Sailing And Marine Stories

Sailing Crew Wanted From Cape Town To French Polynesia

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 15:55:47 +0200
Boat size & type: 40ft Catamaran

Embark port: Cape Town

Estimated departure (or join) date: Beginning of February

Arrival port & ETA (or voyage details): French Polynesia, duration of around 3mnths.

Number of other crew aboard (Skipper plus): 2

Crew qualifications required and duties: Able to stand watch, know when to reef, have some knowledge of life at sea.

Cost to join vessel and repatriation is paid by: for each crew's expense.

Estimated equal-share contribution to food/drinks: (Per person, per day) = $US.10

Note: No contribution towards any other costs (fuel, propane, fees, marinas, etc.) is required from crew.

Details ....

Are cockroaches sailing aboard your yacht?

Wed, 25 Oct 2006 13:34:36 +0200
The well known and trusted 'Keel Over' pads are now available from Cruising Connections, and can be posted/shipped to any destination around the world.


Editorial: Knoxville not dodging current recession

Mon, 19 Jan 2009 05:42:11 GMT

In the early 1980s, local businessmen happily touted the news that Knoxville had decided not to participate in the national recession occurring at that time.

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